
Current projects

CERBERUS – Multiplatform field surveillance for integral crop health, early detection and actuation.

Grant Number:  101134878 – HORIZON-CL6-2023-GOVERNANCE-01-16

Funding Agency: European Commission

Project duration: 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2027

ARL Role: Project coordination and management, software integration, robot behaviors, user-robot interaction, and autonomous mapping

Objective: CERBERUS project capitalises on early pest detection and intelligent spray applications to reduce pesticide use and sustainably eradicate pests at early stages. Specifically, it combines Copernicus-enhanced observation models, IoT insect traps, robot monitoring and citizen-generated data to establish a cloud platform merging diverse information sources. CERBERUS generates AI-based risk maps and spraying recommendations from its innovative crop surveillance system. Tested on six important pests across key Mediterranean crops, CERBERUS embraces a multi-actor approach, fostering collaboration among academia, technology firms, citizens and government agencies.


DRAGONBOTSmart, automated harvesting of high-value crops in sustainable greenhouses

Grant Number:  INNEST/2023/106 – Proyectos estratégicos en cooperación

Funding Agency: Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación

Project duration: 20 April 2023 – 31 December 2025

Objective: Research and development of a new intelligent pitaya harvesting system based on an advanced robotic system with the capacity to execute a staggered harvest according to the state of maturity of each fruit using a vision and artificial intelligence system, promoting a more sustainable from a social, economic and environmental point of view

Partners: Ingeniería y Desarrollos Renovables, Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática Industrial ai2, Agricultural Robotics Laboratory, Universitat Politècnica de València, NUTAI, GREENVISION.

ADOPTA – Adoption of PWM technologies for pesticide reduction

Grant Number:  PDC2022-133395-C42

Funding Agency: Government of Spain

Project duration: 1 December 2022 – 30 November 2024

Objective: Validation of two variable rate sprayers by professional growers for commercial vineyards and olive groves

ARL Role: Sprayer automation, software development, validation analysis

Partners:  4 universities → Polytechnic University of Cataluña (UPC), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), University of Córdoba (UCO), and University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)


Overall Costs: 780,271 €

Grant Number:  INNEST/2022/115

Funding Agency: Government of Spain, Regional government

Project duration: 1 May 2023 – 31 August 2024

Objective: The goal of the project is the development and implementation of a system that integrates agronomy with solar energy production, called Agrivoltaic System. In this project we apply digital agriculture to monitor the production of high-density figs and dragon fruit, processing data with AI to model crop growth and reusing solar energy to run two greenhouses in a circular way

ARL Role: Design and implementation of monitoring system for the permanent registry of crop and environmental variables such as air temperature, relative humidity, CO2, solar radiation, canopy temperature and NDVI.

PartnersINDEREN (Coordinator), UPV-ARL (Universitat Politècnica de València – Agricultural Robotics Laboratory), UPV-IAM (Universitat Politècnica de València – Instituto Agroforestal Mediterráneo), NUTAI

Web page:

Past projects


Grant Number: PID2019-104289RB

Funding Agency: Government of Spain

Project duration: 1 June 2020 – 30 November 2023

Objective: Smart spraying for sustainable vineyards and olive groves

ARL Role: Smart actuation and controls for nozzles and fans, prescription maps of spraying rates, and post-treatment mapping

Partners: 4 universities → Polytechnic University of Cataluña (UPC), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), University of Córdoba (UCO), and University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)

DePie Robot


Overall Costs: 2,129,456 €

Grant Number: 737669

Funding Agency: European Comission

H2020-FTI Pilot – 2016 (Innovation Action)

Project duration: 1 December 2016 – 30 November 2020

Objective: Reach the commercial stage in 3 years for a scouting robot specialized in vineyard mapping

ARL Role: Project coordination and management, software integration, robot behaviors, user-robot interaction, and autonomous mapping

Partners: 4 partners (2 SME and 2 RTD organizations) from France, Portugal and Spain

Go to VineScout webpage → VS logo


1st & 2nd PROTOTYPES for VineRobot


Total budget: 2M €

Identifier: 610953

Funding Agency: European Comission

FP7-ICT-2013-10 Robotics use cases & Accompanying measures

Objective: Design, development and deployment of a novel use-case agricultural robot as an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), equipped with several non-invasive sensing technologies

ARL contribution: Automatic Navigation strategy. Anthocyanin sensor improvement. Mapping system, sensor data management and display

Partners: 8 partners (5 SME and 3 RTD organizations) from France, Germany, Italy and Spain

Go to VineRobot webpage →   Vinerobot logo-58



Total budget: 139 000 €

Identifier: RTA 2014 – 00025 – C05 – 01

Funding Agency: INIA (National Institute for Agricultural Research)

Objective: Application of New Technologies to citrus harvesting

ARL contribution: Design and implementation of yield/quality mapping engine in a human-assisted harvesting platform

Go to CitrusRec webpage

Snapshot 952-C

3D Perception for agricultural robotics

Funding agency: Spanish Ministry of Science (CICYT – FEDER)

Date: January 2010 – December 2010

Principal Investigator: Francisco Rovira-Más

Approximate budget: 24,000 €

Snapshot 969-C

Autonomous guidance of agricultural vehicles with stereovision: navigation maps generation and control strategy (ATOE)

Funding agency: Spanish Ministry of Science (CICYT – FEDER)

Date: October 2006 – September 2009

Principal Investigator: Francisco Rovira-Más
Approximate budget: 50,000 €